Engaging Embodiment Conference

I am honored to present a live online session at the international conference Engaging Embodiment: Somatic Applications for Health, Education & Social Justice

The conference is being held March 3-7, 2021, live online, with taped replays and is co-sponsored by ISMETA (International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association) and Pacifica Graduate Institute. Filled with talks and experiential workshops led by inspiring pioneers, leaders, teachers, and expert practitioners in the field of Somatics!

Cost is $125 members, $150 non-members. Video replays are available for one year. If attending live, check time converter for your time zone.

Even if you sign up now in the final two days of the conference, you can have access to the video replays all year. This conference holds a wealth of information and experiences for somatic professionals, related fields of psychology, movement, dance, occupational therapy, and more.

My session is A Somatic Journey at the Intersection of Headaches, Migraine, Myofascial Pain, and Awareness, Saturday, March 6, 10:10 am PDT. The video replays are posted approximately 24 hours after the live presentation.