
Jan’s pioneering program was brought to light in a preliminary research study, which was presented at the 2001 International Headache Congress and published in the International Journal of Headache: Cephalalgia (May 2001, Abstracts). The retrospective pilot study of the Mundo Program, published as “The Cost-Effectiveness of a Prophylactic Migraine Program as Contrasted to Pharmacological Migraine Treatment,” by Wilson, Keller, McCloud, Mundo, and Lee, looked at seventy-eight migraine patients who completed a four- to six-week (depending on the venue) self-care program through their health maintenance organization.

Classes were held in two-hour sessions, plus had at-home assignments and practices. The study found that the participants, who had a median of 19 headache years, achieved a remarkable 41% reduction in their headaches, reduced relief medications by 52%, with 97% reporting they felt better, more educated about, and more in control of their migraines. (And that was in a mere four to six weeks!)

View the abstract published in Cephalalgia, pages 368-369 (pdf).

View the 2001IHC research poster (pdf).

Addendum: Data submitted in the abstract on 2/1/01, indicated a 65% reduction. However, revised data as of 6/1/01 show a 41% reduction. The research poster and handout reflect this latest data analysis. This was a non-sponsored study.